Contact Us
Who We Are:
Janice Jones, Director
Anya Haye, Interlibrary Loan
Lydia Moyer, Cataloging
Amy Stephanoff, Overdues
Amy Wagner, Childrens
Our Library Board Members:
Lori Brouse, President
Megan Sorensen, Vice President
Sheree Sorensen, Secretary
Lori Lumadue, Treasurer
Karen Mellinger, Trustee
Library board meetings are the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM with a few exceptions. All meetings are open to the public. Any changes or additions to the schedule will be posted at the library. Please visit the Library Calendar in the News & Events folder for dates and times.
Our address is:
165 Canaris Street
Constantine, MI 49042
Our phone number is: 269-435-7957
Our fax number is: 269-435-5800
Please contact us at the library for the following:
- Please contact a librarian with your request for Interlibrary Loan
- Ask your librarian a question
We look forward to hearing from you!